Water Heater Rentals
You might not know how it works, but you depend on your water heater. From keeping your shower water comfortably warm, to providing hot water for sparkling clean dishes choosing the right water heater rental is critical for any home.
AWHR's water heater rental program gives you access to this equipment without the substantial cost of purchasing and installing one yourself. So your wallet can breathe easy while your showers stay warm.
When deciding on a water heater rental, you'll need to choose between gas and electric fuel options. To determine which one is right for your home, take a look at your gas and electricity bills. See which fuel is cheaper, and then pick the corresponding water heater rental.
Regardless of whether you select an electric or gas model for your water heater rental, we will install your new unit at no cost. All future repairs, and even replacement (if necessary) are our responsibility. All you will ever pay is the monthly rental rate.
Electric Water Heater Rentals
- Available in 40 and 50 gallon capacities
- Stainless steel lower element
- Over-temperature protector that cuts off power if needed
Gas Water Heater Rentals

- Options: Available in 29, 38 and 40 gallon capacities
- Eco-friendly burner, low NOx design
- Premium grade anode rod
- Energy-efficient models
Get started now – apply online!
Completing our online application is fast and easy! Just choose the products you wish to rent and enter your contact information. One of our customer service experts will contact you shortly to complete the process.
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